Large statue in the Nagasaki Peace park. The left hand outstretched is to
remind of the devastation of the bombing. The right hand pointing
skyward is to serve as a warning as the bomb was dropped from an
The area where the bomb was dropped held the largest number of Christians in Asia at the time. The Japanese were shocked that the Americans destroyed the Christian population. Later it was realized that a freak wind current "blew" the parachute and bomb up into the valley, missing the Mitsubishi plant which was the target. The Peace Park itself is built on the site of a prison which was located there when the bomb was dropped. A very little of the foundation remains. The stone, of which the prison was built, was, for the most part, immediately vaporized into a gaseous state. Granite into steam.
The extended left hand also points to one of the Catholic parishes located in that part of Nagasaki. The pastor was fond of saying that the "real" meaning was that the statue pointed to his parish and was indicating that they were "number one."
This is a picture of the ruins left standing after the Hiroshima bomb. They
were left standing as a reminder.
This is a memorial to a young girl who died shortly after the war. She had
lukima from the fall out, before she died she though if she made a 1000
origami birds then she would live. She died before she could finish,
only making 974. Every day thousands of birds are placed at the memorial
to finish what she started.
This picture shows a view of the Hiroshima peace park. The flame in the
foreground is to be kept burning until there are no more Atomic Weapons on
Earth. The building behind is the museum. The arc in between is
above a box which contains a listing of all the people that dies from
the bomb. As more survivors die, they add the names every year on the
anniversary of the bombing.