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February 1998

It's here! It's been, well, a long time since the latest recording from The Clumsy Lovers. But, at last, finally, and it's about time, we are tickled pink to be announcing the release of "Picture This", our third release. You can order it right now this very second by going to our merchandise page, or pick it up at one of our CD release parties starthing on February 27. Aforementioned parties, in addition to being your regular general good-time mayhem happening thing, will features exciting door prizes, discounts on merchandise, the return of the fantabulous six million dollar bunny, and much much more! Well, a little more anyway. See you then!
Also new on the merchandise front is the re-release of the Logic Conspiracy's 1990 record, "Ubiquitous Black". This band features Clumsy Lovers' singer/guitarist Cameron Thomson and bassist Chris Jonat, and is completed by original Clumsy Lover drummer David Plenkovich. We must warn you... This is NOT celtic in any way. But if you're interested in seeing a bit of the history of the Lovers, you might want to check this out. It charted quite well on college radio when it came out and continues to sell eight years later. to give you a sort of idea what it's like, it's been compared to stuff like the smiths and the cure. You should really judge for yourself!

November 1997

Hey! Surprise! Our recording plans have changed (again). The almost definite scenario now involves making a studio record here in Vancouver during November and December. The CD has a tentative release date of February 1. For reasons vast and varied (not to mention boring) we are postponing the live record, which we still plan to do at John's Alley, sooner rather than later. If you really, really, really want to know why, by all means email or phone or something and we'll bore you to tears with tales of inconvenience, insecurity, inhibitions, insurmountable (obstacles, that is), etc, etc.

September 1997

Hi there! This here would be the section of our web site where we let you in on all the most recent going ons in our little world. Of course, the most shiniest newest freshest thing right now is that we have a web site (finally), which isn't news to you so you're bored already. We would like to thank Ariane Behrend for putting the page together and maintaining it (we have enough trouble turning the computer on) and to Leah Kennedy for setting us up with the site. Please try to check back often as we're certainly not finished working on this site, and by all means give us your feedback.

Other news? For those of you who haven't heard, we have been rejoined by a couple of original Clumsy Lovers: Kevin Ball, and Cam Thomson. Kevin plays bagpipes, whistle, mandolin, guitar, fiddle, sings, cooks, sews, whatever... We missed him! Cameron is our guitarist/songer extraordinaire.

Also, a lot of you have been asking when we are going to get around to finally releasing a new recording. The plan right now is to record our show on November 21 & 22 at John's Alley in Moscow. If it turns out, we will be releasing a live CD shortly thereafter. If it doesn't work out, we will either try again somewhere else, or venture into the dreaded studio. Either way, rest assured getting a new record together is priority #1 for us. We'll keep you updated!


September 1997

The first ever (of many) Clumsy Lover Web Site Contest goes like this. We want you all to submit you best Clumsy Lover story. It can be something related to the band, or something involving your own clumsy loving. The only restriction is we will publish some of them on the net (we'll change your name if you want), so please don't be too completely vulgar! There will be two winners: one for what the judges deem to be the best story, and one drawn randomly from all entries. So send something, for the love of pete! The prize: one of absolutely everything you see on the clumsy lovers merchandise page! What a deal.

As well, we would like to encourage you to email us your impressions (or reviews, if you will) of any Clumsy Lovers' shows you attend. Once we have a few of these we will start publishing them as well, so if for some reason you want to be anonymous, please tell us.

E-mail your entries to