Petter Reinholdtsen

New lsdvd release 0.18 after ten years
21st December 2024

The rumors of the death of the lsdvd project is slightly exaggerated. And the last few months, we have been working on fixing and improving it, culminating in a new release last night. This is the list of changes in the new 0.18 release, as announced on the project mailing list:

The most exciting news to me is easy access to the DVDDiscID, which make it a lot easier to identify DVD duplicates across a large collection of DVDs. During testing it has proved to be very effective ad identifying when DVDs in a DVD box (say all Star Wars movies) is identical to DVDs sold individually (like the same Star Wars movies packaged individually).

Because none of the current developers got access to do tarball releases on Sourceforge any more, the release is only available as a git tag in the repository. Lets hope it do not take ten years for the next release. The project are discussing to move away from Sourceforge, but it has not yet concluded.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english.
More than 200 orphaned Debian packages moved to git, 216 to go
11th July 2024

In April, I started migrating orphaned Debian packages without any version control system listed in debian/control to git. This morning, my Debian QA page finally reached 200 QA packages migrated. In reality there are a few more, as the packages uploaded by someone else after my initial upload have disappeared from my QA uploads list. As I am running out of steam and will most likely focus on other parts of Debian moving forward, I hope someone else will find time to continue the migration to bring the number of orphaned packages without any version control system down to zero. Here is the updated recipe if someone want to help out.

To locate packages to work on, the following one-liner can be used:

PGPASSWORD="udd-mirror" psql --port=5432 \
  --username=udd-mirror udd -c "select source from sources \
   where release = 'sid' and (vcs_url ilike '' \
   OR vcs_browser ilike '' or vcs_url IS NULL \
   OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '' \
   order by random() limit 10;"

Pick a random package from the list and run the latest edition of the script debian-snap-to-salsa with the package name as the argument to prepare a git repository with the existing packaging. This will download old Debian packages from Note that very recent uploads will not be included, so check out the package on Next, run gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new to verify that the package build as it should, and then visit and make sure there is not already a git repository for the package there. I also did git log -p debian/control and look for vcs entries to check if the package used to have a git repository on Alioth, and see if it can be a useful starting point moving forward. If all this check out, I created a new gitlab project below the Debian group on salsa, push the package source there and upload a new version. I tend to also ensure build hardening is enabled, if it prove to be easy, and check if I can easily fix any lintian issues or bug reports. If the process took more than 20 minutes, I dropped it and moved on to another package.

If I found patches in debian/patches/ that were not yet passed upstream, I would send an email to make sure upstream know about them. This has proved to be a valuable step, and caused several new releases for software that initially appeared abandoned. :)

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english.
Some notes from the 2024 LinuxCNC Norwegian developer gathering
10th July 2024

The Norwegian The LinuxCNC developer gathering 2024 is over. It was a great and productive weekend, and I am sad that it is over.

Regular readers probably still remember what LinuxCNC is, but her is a quick summary for those that forgot? LinuxCNC is a free software system for numerical control of machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters, routers, cutting machines, robots and hexapods. It eats G-code and produce motor movement and other changes to the physical world, while reading sensor input.

I am not quite sure about the total head count, as not all people were present at the gathering the entire weekend, but I believe it was close to 10 people showing their faces at the gathering. The "hard core" of the group, who stayed the entire weekend, were two from Norway, two from Germany and one from England. I am happy with the outcome from the gathering. We managed to wrap up a new stable LinuxCNC release 2.9.3 and even tested it on real hardware within minutes of the release. The release notes for 2.9.3 are still being written, but should show up on on the project site in the next few days. We managed to go through around twenty pull requests and merge then into either the stable release (2.9) or the development branch (master). There are still around thirty pull requests left to process, so we are not out of work yet. We even managed to fix/improve a slightly worn lathe, and experiment with running a mechanical clock using G-code.

The evening barbeque worked well both on Saturday and Sunday. It is quite fun to light up a charcoal grill using compressed air. Sadly the weather was not the best, so we stayed indoors most of the time.

This gathering was made possible partly with sponsoring from both Redpill Linpro, Debian and NUUG Foundation, and we are most grateful for the support. I would also like to thank the local school for lending us some furniture, and of course the rest of the members of the organizers team, Asle and Bosse, for their countless contributions. The gathering was such success that we want to do it again next year.

We plan to organize the next Norwegian LinuxCNC developer gathering at the end of June next year, the weekend Friday 27th to Sunday 29th of June 2025. I recommend you reserve the dates on your calendar today. Other related communities are also welcome to join in, for example those working on systems like FreeCAD and opencamlib, as I am sure we have much in common and sharing experiences would be very useful to all involved. We are of course looking for sponsors for this gathering already. The total budget for this gathering was around NOK 25.000 (around EUR 2.300), so our needs are quite modest. Perhaps a machine or tools company would like to help out the free software manufacturing community by sponsoring food, lodging and transport for such gathering?

Tags: debian, english, linuxcnc.
«Møter vi liv eller død?», pamfletten som inspirerte
4th June 2024

Da jeg i høst hørte jeg et innslag på radiOrakel om en inspirerende dame som levde for over hundre år siden, fikk jeg en vill ide. Elsa Laula var en svensk samisk dame som ikke bare fikk utdannelsen finansiert av den danske dronningen, men som gjorde så god jobb med å inspirere og organisere den samiske befolkningen at det visstnok ble forslått i Sverige å straffeforfølge henne for oppvigleri før hun flyttet fra Sverige til Norge. Radiopraterne fortalte videre at da Elsa Laula ga ut en pamflett for å inspirere samene til samling var dette den første bok gitt ut av en samisk dame noensinne. Jeg fikk høre at denne korte teksten kun fantes på originalspråket svensk under tittelen «Inför lif eller död» og aldri var oversatt til norsk. Da tenkte jeg, der jeg satt i bilen, at en norsk utgave kan vel jeg fikse. Jeg har jo fått oversatt endel bøker, og en liten pamflett på noen få sider burde jo være grei skuring.

Den imponerende Elsa Laula, som senere la til etternavnet Renberg, har blant annet fått dokumentaren «Elsa Laula Renberg, kvinnen som samlet Sápmi» (2017) av Per Kristian Olsen på NRK, NRK-artikkelen «Samenes Jeanne d’Arc» av Karen Brodshaug Sveen (2017), oppgaven «Elsa Laulas Innför lif och död – sanningsord i de lappska förhållandena» av Edel Olsen, biografien «Elsa Laula Renberg - Historien om samefolkets store Minerva» (2015) av Siri Broch Johansen og radiOrakel-podkasten Revolusjonen har et kvinnelig ansikt – Elsa Laula, for å nevne de jeg har finnet uten å lete spesielt hardt. En virkelig spennende dame, som i tillegg til å inspirere til opprettelsen av samiske organisasjoner, har inspirert til opprettelsen av Sametinget, og født seks barn der fire vokste opp.

I dag er jeg veldig glad for å kunne annonsere at bokmålsoversettelsen er klar og tilgjengelig for både bestilling på papir og epub-utgave fra, samt som nettside. Den kringkastede bokinformasjonen ser slik ut:

Den 27 år gamle sørsamiske kvinnen Elsa Laula ga i august 1904 ut en pamflett i Stockholm. Opplaget var på 6000, finansiert av Stockholmsredaktøren Gustav Hedenström, som også bidro i stiftelsen av Lapparnes Centralforbund. Dette kampskriftet var den første boken gitt ut av en samisk kvinne, og hadde som mål å inspirere til opprettelsen av samiske foreninger over hele landet, samt skape blest om sentralforbundet. Pamfletten er et politisk manifest som fortsatt inspirerer i dag.

Denne pamfletten er nå for første gang tilgjengelig på bokmål, sammen med en nyutgivelse av originalteksten på svensk.

Oversettelsen hadde ikke vært mulig uten gode hjelpere. En virkelig stor innsats både i korrekturarbeidet og utforskning av arkaiske svenske ord, står Axel Rosén bak. I tillegg har jeg fått innspill fra Edel May Karlsen og flere andre både på språkføring og historisk bakgrunn for å forstå teksten.

En kuriositet som jeg oppdaget i arbeidet med oversettelsen er at det ikke stemmer at denne boken ikke var oversatt til noen andre språk. Anna Wuolab oversatte den til nordsamisk i 2017 i en utgave gitt ut av samisk skribent- och författarförening (Bágu čálliid searvi) under tittelen «Eallit vai jápmit? : duohtavuođasánit sámi diliid birra = Inför lif eller död? : sanningsord i de lappska förhållandena». Papirutgaven er så vidt jeg kan forstå utsolgt fra forlaget og jeg har ikke klart å finne informasjonsside om boken på Internett. Mulig den er mulig å få tak i som ebok, hvis en skal tro oppføring i worldcat.

Oversetterrammeverket jeg har satt opp for å gjennomføre dette oversettelsesprosjektet håndterer flere språk. Jeg er igang med engelsk utgave, og er åpen for å også gi ut andre oversettelser hvis noen er interessert i å gjøre jobben. Det hadde vært ekstra moro å gi den ut på sørsamisk, det samiske språket i regionen der Elsa Laula kom fra. Der er jeg som vanlig avhengig av frivillige som er også interessert i å gjøre dette på dugnad.

Som vanlig, hvis du bruker Bitcoin og ønsker å vise din støtte til det jeg driver med, setter jeg pris på om du sender Bitcoin-donasjoner til min adresse 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b. Merk, betaling med bitcoin er ikke anonymt. :)

Tags: docbook, norsk.
The 2024 LinuxCNC Norwegian developer gathering
31st May 2024

The LinuxCNC project is still going strong. And I believe this great software system for numerical control of machines such as milling machines, lathes, plasma cutters, routers, cutting machines, robots and hexapods, would do even better with more in-person developer gatherings, so we plan to organise such gathering this summer too.

The Norwegian LinuxCNC developer gathering take place the weekend Friday July 5th to 7th this year, and is open for everyone interested in contributing to LinuxCNC and free software manufacturing. Up to date information about the gathering can be found in the developer mailing list thread where the gathering was announced. Thanks to the good people at Debian as well as leftover money from last years gathering from Redpill-Linpro and NUUG Foundation, we have enough sponsor funds to pay for food, and probably also shelter for the people traveling from afar to join us. If you would like to join the gathering, get in touch and add your details on the pad.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english, linuxcnc.
45 orphaned Debian packages moved to git, 391 to go
25th April 2024

Nine days ago, I started migrating orphaned Debian packages with no version control system listed in debian/control of the source to git. At the time there were 438 such packages. Now there are 391, according to the UDD. In reality it is slightly less, as there is a delay between uploads and UDD updates. In the nine days since, I have thus been able to work my way through ten percent of the packages. I am starting to run out of steam, and hope someone else will also help brushing some dust of these packages. Here is a recipe how to do it. I start by picking a random package by querying the UDD for a list of 10 random packages from the set of remaining packages:

PGPASSWORD="udd-mirror" psql --port=5432 \
  --username=udd-mirror udd -c "select source from sources \
   where release = 'sid' and (vcs_url ilike '' \
   OR vcs_browser ilike '' or vcs_url IS NULL \
   OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '' \
   order by random() limit 10;"

Next, I visit and search for the package name, to ensure no git repository already exist. If it does, I clone it and try to get it to an uploadable state, and add the Vcs-* entries in d/control to make the repository more widely known. These packages are a minority, so I will not cover that use case here.

For packages without an existing git repository, I run the following script debian-snap-to-salsa to prepare a git repository with the existing packaging.

# See also

set -e

# Move to this Standards-Version.


if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 "
    exit 1

if [ -e "${PKG}-salsa" ]; then
    echo "error: ${PKG}-salsa already exist, aborting."
    exit 1

if [ -z "ALLOWFAILURE" ] ; then

# Fetch every snapshotted source package.  Manually loop until all
# transfers succeed, as 'gbp import-dscs --debsnap' do not fail on
# download failures.
until debsnap --force -v $PKG || $ALLOWFAILURE ; do sleep 1; done
mkdir ${PKG}-salsa; cd ${PKG}-salsa
git init

# Specify branches to override any debian/gbp.conf file present in the
# source package.
gbp import-dscs  --debian-branch=master --upstream-branch=upstream \
    --pristine-tar ../source-$PKG/*.dsc

# Add Vcs pointing to Salsa Debian project (must be manually created
# and pushed to).
if ! grep -q ^Vcs- debian/control ; then
    awk "BEGIN { s=1 } /^\$/ { if (s==1) { print \"Vcs-Browser:$PKG\"; print \"Vcs-Git:$PKG.git\" }; s=0 } { print }" < debian/control > debian/ && mv debian/ debian/control
    git commit -m "Updated vcs in d/control to Salsa." debian/control

# Tell gbp to enforce the use of pristine-tar.
inifile +inifile debian/gbp.conf +create +section DEFAULT +key pristine-tar +value True
git add debian/gbp.conf
git commit -m "Added d/gbp.conf to enforce the use of pristine-tar." debian/gbp.conf

# Update to latest Standards-Version.
SV="$(grep ^Standards-Version: debian/control|awk '{print $2}')"
if [ $SV_LATEST != $SV ]; then
    sed -i "s/\(Standards-Version: \)\(.*\)/\1$SV_LATEST/" debian/control
    git commit -m "Updated Standards-Version from $SV to $SV_LATEST." debian/control

if grep -q pkg-config debian/control; then
    sed -i s/pkg-config/pkgconf/ debian/control
    git commit -m "Replaced obsolete pkg-config build dependency with pkgconf." debian/control

if grep -q libncurses5-dev debian/control; then
    sed -i s/libncurses5-dev/libncurses-dev/ debian/control
    git commit -m "Replaced obsolete libncurses5-dev build dependency with libncurses-dev." debian/control
Some times the debsnap script fail to download some of the versions. In those cases I investigate, and if I decide the failing versions will not be missed, I call it using ALLOWFAILURE=true to ignore the problem and create the git repository anyway.

With the git repository in place, I do a test build (gbp buildpackage) to ensure the build is actually working. If it does not I pick a different package, or if the build failure is trivial to fix, I fix it before continuing. At this stage I revisit and create the project under this group for the package. I then follow the instructions to publish the local git repository. Here is from a recent example:

git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master upstream pristine-tar
git push --tags

With a working build, I have a look at the build rules if I want to remove some more dust. I normally try to move to debhelper compat level 13, which involves removing debian/compat and modifying debian/control to build depend on debhelper-compat (=13). I also test with 'Rules-Requires-Root: no' in debian/control and verify in debian/rules that hardening is enabled, and include all of these if the package still build. If it fail to build with level 13, I try with 12, 11, 10 and so on until I find a level where it build, as I do not want to spend a lot of time fixing build issues.

Some times, when I feel inspired, I make sure debian/copyright is converted to the machine readable format, often by starting with 'debhelper -cc' and then cleaning up the autogenerated content until it matches realities. If I feel like it, I might also clean up non-dh-based debian/rules files to use the short style dh build rules.

Once I have removed all the dust I care to process for the package, I run 'gbp dch' to generate a debian/changelog entry based on the commits done so far, run 'dch -r' to switch from 'UNRELEASED' to 'unstable' and get an editor to make sure the 'QA upload' marker is in place and that all long commit descriptions are wrapped into sensible lengths, run 'debcommit --release -a' to commit and tag the new debian/changelog entry, run 'debuild -S' to build a source only package, and 'dput ../perl-byacc_2.0-10_source.changes' to do the upload. During the entire process, and many times per step, I run 'debuild' to verify the changes done still work. I also some times verify the set of built files using 'find debian' to see if I can spot any problems (like no file in usr/bin any more or empty package). I also try to fix all lintian issues reported at the end of each 'debuild' run.

If I find Debian specific patches, I try to ensure their metadata is fairly up to date and some times I even try to reach out to upstream, to make the upstream project aware of the patches. Most of my emails bounce, so the success rate is low. For projects with no Homepage entry in debian/control I try to track down one, and for packages with no debian/watch file I try to create one. But at least for some of the packages I have been unable to find a functioning upstream, and must skip both of these.

If I could handle ten percent in nine days, twenty people could complete the rest in less then five days. I use approximately twenty minutes per package, when I have twenty minutes spare time to spend. Perhaps you got twenty minutes to spare too?

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Update 2024-05-04: There is an updated edition of my migration script, last updated 2024-05-04.

Tags: debian, english.
RAID status from LSI Megaraid controllers in Debian
17th April 2024

I am happy to report that the megactl package, useful to fetch RAID status when using the LSI Megaraid controller, now is available in Debian. It passed NEW a few days ago, and is now available in unstable, and probably showing up in testing in a weeks time. The new version should provide Appstream hardware mapping and should integrate nicely with isenkram.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: english, isenkram, raid.
Time to move orphaned Debian packages to git
14th April 2024

There are several packages in Debian without a associated git repository with the packaging history. This is unfortunate and it would be nice if more of these would do so. Quote a lot of these are without a maintainer, ie listed as maintained by the 'Debian QA Group' place holder. In fact, 438 packages have this property according to UDD (SELECT source FROM sources WHERE release = 'sid' AND (vcs_url ilike '' OR vcs_browser ilike '' or vcs_url IS NULL OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '';). Such packages can be updated without much coordination by any Debian developer, as they are considered orphaned.

To try to improve the situation and reduce the number of packages without associated git repository, I started a few days ago to search out candiates and provide them with a git repository under the 'debian' collaborative Salsa project. I started with the packages pointing to obsolete Alioth git repositories, and am now working my way across the ones completely without git references. In addition to updating the Vcs-* debian/control fields, I try to update Standards-Version, debhelper compat level, simplify d/rules, switch to Rules-Requires-Root: no and fix lintian issues reported. I only implement those that are trivial to fix, to avoid spending too much time on each orphaned package. So far my experience is that it take aproximately 20 minutes to convert a package without any git references, and a lot more for packages with existing git repositories incompatible with git-buildpackages.

So far I have converted 10 packages, and I will keep going until I run out of steam. As should be clear from the numbers, there is enough packages remaining for more people to do the same without stepping on each others toes. I find it useful to start by searching for a git repo already on salsa, as I find that some times a git repo has already been created, but no new version is uploaded to Debian yet. In those cases I start with the existing git repository. I convert to the git-buildpackage+pristine-tar workflow, and ensure a debian/gbp.conf file with "pristine-tar=True" is added early, to avoid uploading a orig.tar.gz with the wrong checksum by mistake. Did that three times in the begin before I remembered my mistake.

So, if you are a Debian Developer and got some spare time, perhaps considering migrating some orphaned packages to git?

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english.
Plain text accounting file from your bitcoin transactions
7th March 2024

A while back I wrote a small script to extract the Bitcoin transactions in a wallet in the ledger plain text accounting format. The last few days I spent some time to get it working better with more special cases. In case it can be useful for others, here is a copy:

#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Petter Reinholdtsen

from decimal import Decimal
import json
import subprocess
import time

import numpy

def format_float(num):
    return numpy.format_float_positional(num, trim='-')

accounts = {
    u'amount' : 'Assets:BTC:main',

addresses = {
    '' : 'Assets:bankkonto',
    '' : 'Assets:bankkonto',

def exec_json(cmd):
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    j = json.loads(proc.communicate()[0], parse_float=Decimal)
    return j

def list_txs():
    # get all transactions for all accounts / addresses
    c = 0
    txs = []
    txidfee = {}
    cmd = ['bitcoin-cli', 'listtransactions', '*', str(limit)]
    if True:
        # Useful for debugging
        with open('transactions.json') as f:
            txs.extend(json.load(f, parse_float=Decimal))
    #print txs
    for tx in sorted(txs, key=lambda a: a['time']):
#        print tx['category']
        if 'abandoned' in tx and tx['abandoned']:
        if 'confirmations' in tx and 0 >= tx['confirmations']:
        when = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(tx['time']))
        if 'message' in tx:
            desc = tx['message']
        elif 'comment' in tx:
            desc = tx['comment']
        elif 'label' in tx:
            desc = tx['label']
            desc = 'n/a'
        print("%s %s" % (when, desc))
        if 'address' in tx:
            print("  ; to bitcoin address %s" % tx['address'])
            print("  ; missing address in transaction, txid=%s" % tx['txid'])
        print(f"  ; amount={tx['amount']}")
        if 'fee'in tx:
            print(f"  ; fee={tx['fee']}")
        for f in accounts.keys():
            if f in tx and Decimal(0) != tx[f]:
                amount = tx[f]
                print("  %-20s   %s BTC" % (accounts[f], format_float(amount)))
        if 'fee' in tx and Decimal(0) != tx['fee']:
            # Make sure to list fee used in several transactions only once.
            if 'fee' in tx and tx['txid'] in txidfee \
               and tx['fee'] == txidfee[tx['txid']]:
                fee = tx['fee']
                print("  %-20s   %s BTC" % (accounts['amount'], format_float(fee)))
                print("  %-20s   %s BTC" % ('Expences:BTC-fee', format_float(-fee)))
                txidfee[tx['txid']] = tx['fee']

        if 'address' in tx and tx['address'] in addresses:
            print("  %s" % addresses[tx['address']])
            if 'generate' == tx['category']:
                print("  Income:BTC-mining")
                if amount < Decimal(0):
                    print(f"  Assets:unknown:sent:update-script-addr-{tx['address']}")
                    print(f"  Assets:unknown:received:update-script-addr-{tx['address']}")

        c = c + 1
    print("# Found %d transactions" % c)
    if limit == c:
        print(f"# Warning: Limit {limit} reached, consider increasing limit.")

def main():


It is more of a proof of concept, and I do not expect it to handle all edge cases, but it worked for me, and perhaps you can find it useful too.

To get a more interesting result, it is useful to map accounts sent to or received from to accounting accounts, using the addresses hash. As these will be very context dependent, I leave out my list to allow each user to fill out their own list of accounts. Out of the box, 'ledger reg BTC:main' should be able to show the amount of BTCs present in the wallet at any given time in the past. For other and more valuable analysis, a account plan need to be set up in the addresses hash. Here is an example transaction:

2024-03-07 17:00 Donated to good cause
    Assets:BTC:main                           -0.1 BTC
    Assets:BTC:main                       -0.00001 BTC
    Expences:BTC-fee                       0.00001 BTC
    Expences:donations                         0.1 BTC

It need a running Bitcoin Core daemon running, as it connect to it using bitcoin-cli listtransactions * 100000 to extract the transactions listed in the Wallet.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: bitcoin, english.
RAID status from LSI Megaraid controllers using free software
3rd March 2024

The last few days I have revisited RAID setup using the LSI Megaraid controller. These are a family of controllers called PERC by Dell, and is present in several old PowerEdge servers, and I recently got my hands on one of these. I had forgotten how to handle this RAID controller in Debian, so I had to take a peek in the Debian wiki page "Linux and Hardware RAID: an administrator's summary" to remember what kind of software is available to configure and monitor the disks and controller. I prefer Free Software alternatives to proprietary tools, as the later tend to fall into disarray once the manufacturer loose interest, and often do not work with newer Linux Distributions. Sadly there is no free software tool to configure the RAID setup, only to monitor it. RAID can provide improved reliability and resilience in a storage solution, but only if it is being regularly checked and any broken disks are being replaced in time. I thus want to ensure some automatic monitoring is available.

In the discovery process, I came across a old free software tool to monitor PERC2, PERC3, PERC4 and PERC5 controllers, which to my surprise is not present in debian. To help change that I created a request for packaging of the megactl package, and tried to track down a usable version. The original project site is on Sourceforge, but as far as I can tell that project has been dead for more than 15 years. I managed to find a more recent fork on github from user hmage, but it is unclear to me if this is still being maintained. It has not seen much improvements since 2016. A more up to date edition is a git fork from the original github fork by user namiltd, and this newer fork seem a lot more promising. The owner of this github repository has replied to change proposals within hours, and had already added some improvements and support for more hardware. Sadly he is reluctant to commit to maintaining the tool and stated in my first pull request that he think a new release should be made based on the git repository owned by hmage. I perfectly understand this reluctance, as I feel the same about maintaining yet another package in Debian when I barely have time to take care of the ones I already maintain, but do not really have high hopes that hmage will have time to spend on it and hope namiltd will change his mind.

In any case, I created a draft package based on the namiltd edition and put it under the debian group on If you own a Dell PowerEdge server with one of the PERC controllers, or any other RAID controller using the megaraid or megaraid_sas Linux kernel modules, you might want to check it out. If enough people are interested, perhaps the package will make it into the Debian archive.

There are two tools provided, megactl for the megaraid Linux kernel module, and megasasctl for the megaraid_sas Linux kernel module. The simple output from the command on one of my machines look like this (yes, I know some of the disks have problems. :).

# megasasctl 
a0       PERC H730 Mini           encl:1 ldrv:2  batt:good
a0d0       558GiB RAID 1   1x2  optimal
a0d1      3067GiB RAID 0   1x11 optimal
a0e32s0     558GiB  a0d0  online   errs: media:0  other:19
a0e32s1     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s2     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s3     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s4     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s5     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s6     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s8     558GiB  a0d0  online   errs: media:0  other:17
a0e32s9     279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s10    279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s11    279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s12    279GiB  a0d1  online  
a0e32s13    279GiB  a0d1  online  


In addition to displaying a simple status report, it can also test individual drives and print the various event logs. Perhaps you too find it useful?

In the packaging process I provided some patches upstream to improve installation and ensure a Appstream metainfo file is provided to list all supported HW, to allow isenkram to propose the package on all servers with a relevant PCI card.

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: english, isenkram, raid.

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