A few days, I rescued a Windows victim over to Debian. To try to rescue the remains, I helped set up automatic sync with Google Drive. I did not find any sensible Debian package handling this automatically, so I rebuild the grive2 source from the Ubuntu UPD8 PPA to do the task and added a autostart desktop entry and a small shell script to run in the background while the user is logged in to do the sync. Here is a sketch of the setup for future reference.
I first created ~/googledrive, entered the directory and ran 'grive -a' to authenticate the machine/user. Next, I created a autostart hook in ~/.config/autostart/grive.desktop to start the sync when the user log in:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Google drive autosync Type=Application Exec=/home/user/bin/grive-sync
Finally, I wrote the ~/bin/grive-sync script to sync ~/googledrive/ with the files in Google Drive.
#!/bin/sh set -e cd ~/ cleanup() { if [ "$syncpid" ] ; then kill $syncpid fi } trap cleanup EXIT INT QUIT /usr/lib/grive/grive-sync.sh listen googledrive 2>&1 | sed "s%^%$0:%" & syncpdi=$! while true; do if ! xhost >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "no DISPLAY, exiting as the user probably logged out" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e /run/user/1000/grive-sync.sh_googledrive ] ; then /usr/lib/grive/grive-sync.sh sync googledrive fi sleep 300 done 2>&1 | sed "s%^%$0:%"
Feel free to use the setup if you want. It can be assumed to be GNU GPL v2 licensed (or any later version, at your leisure), but I doubt this code is possible to claim copyright on.
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