Petter Reinholdtsen

Experimental Open311 API for the mySociety fixmystreet system
30th April 2011

Today, the first draft implementation of an Open311 API for the Norwegian service FiksGataMi started to work. It is only available on the developer server for now, and I have not tested it using any existing Open311 client (I lack the platforms needed to run the clients I have found so far), but it is able to query the database and extract a list of open and closed requests within a given category and reported to a given municipality. I believe that is a good start to create a useful service for those that want to do data mining on the requests submitted so far.

Where is it? Visit to have a look. Please send feedback to the fiksgatami (at) mailing list.

Tags: english, fiksgatami, open311.

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