The Isenkram system provide a practical and easy way to figure out which packages support the hardware in a given machine. The command line tool isenkram-lookup and the tasksel options provide a convenient way to list and install packages relevant for the current hardware during system installation, both user space packages and firmware packages. The GUI background daemon on the other hand provide a pop-up proposing to install packages when a new dongle is inserted while using the computer. For example, if you plug in a smart card reader, the system will ask if you want to install pcscd if that package isn't already installed, and if you plug in a USB video camera the system will ask if you want to install cheese if cheese is currently missing. This already work just fine.
But Isenkram depend on a database mapping from hardware IDs to package names. When I started no such database existed in Debian, so I made my own data set and included it with the isenkram package and made isenkram fetch the latest version of this database from git using http. This way the isenkram users would get updated package proposals as soon as I learned more about hardware related packages.
The hardware is identified using modalias strings. The modalias design is from the Linux kernel where most hardware descriptors are made available as a strings that can be matched using filename style globbing. It handle USB, PCI, DMI and a lot of other hardware related identifiers.
The downside to the Isenkram specific database is that there is no information about relevant distribution / Debian version, making isenkram propose obsolete packages too. But along came AppStream, a cross distribution mechanism to store and collect metadata about software packages. When I heard about the proposal, I contacted the people involved and suggested to add a hardware matching rule using modalias strings in the specification, to be able to use AppStream for mapping hardware to packages. This idea was accepted and AppStream is now a great way for a package to announce the hardware it support in a distribution neutral way. I wrote a recipe on how to add such meta-information in a blog post last December. If you have a hardware related package in Debian, please announce the relevant hardware IDs using AppStream.
In Debian, almost all packages that can talk to a LEGO Mindestorms RCX or NXT unit, announce this support using AppStream. The effect is that when you insert such LEGO robot controller into your Debian machine, Isenkram will propose to install the packages needed to get it working. The intention is that this should allow the local user to start programming his robot controller right away without having to guess what packages to use or which permissions to fix.
But when I sat down with my son the other day to program our NXT unit using his Debian Stretch computer, I discovered something annoying. The local console user (ie my son) did not get access to the USB device for programming the unit. This used to work, but no longer in Jessie and Stretch. After some investigation and asking around on #debian-devel, I discovered that this was because udev had changed the mechanism used to grant access to local devices. The ConsoleKit mechanism from /lib/udev/rules.d/70-udev-acl.rules no longer applied, because LDAP users no longer was added to the plugdev group during login. Michael Biebl told me that this method was obsolete and the new method used ACLs instead. This was good news, as the plugdev mechanism is a mess when using a remote user directory like LDAP. Using ACLs would make sure a user lost device access when she logged out, even if the user left behind a background process which would retain the plugdev membership with the ConsoleKit setup. Armed with this knowledge I moved on to fix the access problem for the LEGO Mindstorms related packages.
The new system uses a udev tag, 'uaccess'. It can either be applied directly for a device, or is applied in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-uaccess.rules for classes of devices. As the LEGO Mindstorms udev rules did not have a class, I decided to add the tag directly in the udev rules files included in the packages. Here is one example. For the nqc C compiler for the RCX, the /lib/udev/rules.d/60-nqc.rules file now look like this:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="0694", ATTR{idProduct}=="0001", \ SYMLINK+="rcx-%k", TAG+="uaccess"
The key part is the 'TAG+="uaccess"' at the end. I suspect all packages using plugdev in their /lib/udev/rules.d/ files should be changed to use this tag (either directly or indirectly via 70-uaccess.rules). Perhaps a lintian check should be created to detect this?
I've been unable to find good documentation on the uaccess feature. It is unclear to me if the uaccess tag is an internal implementation detail like the udev-acl tag used by /lib/udev/rules.d/70-udev-acl.rules. If it is, I guess the indirect method is the preferred way. Michael asked for more documentation from the systemd project and I hope it will make this clearer. For now I use the generic classes when they exist and is already handled by 70-uaccess.rules, and add the tag directly if no such class exist.
To learn more about the isenkram system, please check out my blog posts tagged isenkram.
To help out making life for LEGO constructors in Debian easier, please join us on our IRC channel #debian-lego and join the Debian LEGO team in the Alioth project we created yesterday. A mailing list is not yet created, but we are working on it. :)
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