Most of the computers in use by the Debian Edu/Skolelinux project are virtual machines. And they have been Xen machines running on a fairly old IBM eserver xseries 345 machine, and we wanted to migrate them to KVM on a newer Dell PowerEdge 2950 host machine. This was a bit harder that it could have been, because we set up the Xen virtual machines to get the virtual partitions from LVM, which as far as I know is not supported by KVM. So to migrate, we had to convert several LVM logical volumes to partitions on a virtual disk file.
I found a nice recipe to do this, and wrote the following script to do the migration. It uses qemu-img from the qemu package to make the disk image, parted to partition it, losetup and kpartx to present the disk image partions as devices, and dd to copy the data. I NFS mounted the new servers storage area on the old server to do the migration.
#!/bin/sh # Based on # set -e set -x if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "Usage: $0 <hostname>" exit 1 else host="$1" fi if [ ! -e /dev/vg_data/$host-disk ] ; then echo "error: unable to find LVM volume for $host" exit 1 fi # Partitions need to be a bit bigger than the LVM LVs. not sure why. disksize=$( lvs --units m | grep $host-disk | awk '{sum = sum + $4} END { print int(sum * 1.05) }') swapsize=$( lvs --units m | grep $host-swap | awk '{sum = sum + $4} END { print int(sum * 1.05) }') totalsize=$(( ( $disksize + $swapsize ) )) img=$host.img #dd if=/dev/zero of=$img bs=1M count=$(( $disksize + $swapsize )) qemu-img create $img ${totalsize}MMaking room on the Debian Edu/Sqeeze DVD parted $img mklabel msdos parted $img mkpart primary linux-swap 0 $disksize parted $img mkpart primary ext2 $disksize $totalsize parted $img set 1 boot on modprobe dm-mod losetup /dev/loop0 $img kpartx -a /dev/loop0 dd if=/dev/vg_data/$host-disk of=/dev/mapper/loop0p1 bs=1M fsck.ext3 -f /dev/mapper/loop0p1 || true mkswap /dev/mapper/loop0p2 kpartx -d /dev/loop0 losetup -d /dev/loop0
The script is perhaps so simple that it is not copyrightable, but if it is, it is licenced using GPL v2 or later at your discretion.
After doing this, I booted a Debian CD in rescue mode in KVM with the new disk image attached, installed grub-pc and linux-image-686 and set up grub to boot from the disk image. After this, the KVM machines seem to work just fine.