Petter Reinholdtsen

Moved the pymissile Debian packaging to collab-maint
10th January 2013

As part of my investigation on how to improve the support in Debian for hardware dongles, I dug up my old Mark and Spencer USB Rocket Launcher and updated the Debian package pymissile to make sure udev will fix the device permissions when it is plugged in. I also added a "Modaliases" header to test it in the Debian archive and hopefully make the package be proposed by jockey in Ubuntu when a user plug in his rocket launcher. In the process I moved the source to a git repository under collab-maint, to make it easier for any DD to contribute. Upstream is not very active, but the software still work for me even after five years of relative silence. The new git repository is not listed in the uploaded package yet, because I want to test the other changes a bit more before I upload the new version. If you want to check out the new version with a .desktop file included, visit the gitweb view or use "git clone git://".

Tags: debian, english, isenkram, robot.

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