Many years ago, while studying Computer Science at the University of Tromsø, I started collecting computer related songs for use at parties. The original version was written in LaTeX, but a few years ago I got help from Håkon W. Lie, one of the inventors of W3C CSS, to convert it to HTML while keeping the ability to create a nice book in PDF format. I have not had time to maintain the book for a while now, and guess I should put it up on some public version control repository where others can help me extend and update the book. If anyone is volunteering to help me with this, send me an email. Also let me know if there are songs missing in my book.
I have not mentioned the book on my blog so far, and it occured to me today that I really should let all my readers share the joys of singing out load about programming, computers and computer networks. Especially now that Debconf 12 is about to start (and I am not going). Want to sing? Check out Petter's Computer Science Songbook.