Petter Reinholdtsen

Entries from August 2017.

Simpler recipe on how to make a simple $7 IMSI Catcher using Debian
9th August 2017

On friday, I came across an interesting article in the Norwegian web based ICT news magazine on how to collect the IMSI numbers of nearby cell phones using the cheap DVB-T software defined radios. The article refered to instructions and a recipe by Keld Norman on Youtube on how to make a simple $7 IMSI Catcher, and I decided to test them out.

The instructions said to use Ubuntu, install pip using apt (to bypass apt), use pip to install pybombs (to bypass both apt and pip), and the ask pybombs to fetch and build everything you need from scratch. I wanted to see if I could do the same on the most recent Debian packages, but this did not work because pybombs tried to build stuff that no longer build with the most recent openssl library or some other version skew problem. While trying to get this recipe working, I learned that the apt->pip->pybombs route was a long detour, and the only piece of software dependency missing in Debian was the gr-gsm package. I also found out that the lead upstream developer of gr-gsm (the name stand for GNU Radio GSM) project already had a set of Debian packages provided in an Ubuntu PPA repository. All I needed to do was to dget the Debian source package and built it.

The IMSI collector is a python script listening for packages on the loopback network device and printing to the terminal some specific GSM packages with IMSI numbers in them. The code is fairly short and easy to understand. The reason this work is because gr-gsm include a tool to read GSM data from a software defined radio like a DVB-T USB stick and other software defined radios, decode them and inject them into a network device on your Linux machine (using the loopback device by default). This proved to work just fine, and I've been testing the collector for a few days now.

The updated and simpler recipe is thus to

  1. start with a Debian machine running Stretch or newer,
  2. build and install the gr-gsm package available from,
  3. clone the git repostory from,
  4. run grgsm_livemon and adjust the frequency until the terminal where it was started is filled with a stream of text (meaning you found a GSM station).
  5. go into the IMSI-catcher directory and run 'sudo python' to extract the IMSI numbers.

To make it even easier in the future to get this sniffer up and running, I decided to package the gr-gsm project for Debian (WNPP #871055), and the package was uploaded into the NEW queue today. Luckily the gnuradio maintainer has promised to help me, as I do not know much about gnuradio stuff yet.

I doubt this "IMSI cacher" is anywhere near as powerfull as commercial tools like The Spy Phone Portable IMSI / IMEI Catcher or the Harris Stingray, but I hope the existance of cheap alternatives can make more people realise how their whereabouts when carrying a cell phone is easily tracked. Seeing the data flow on the screen, realizing that I live close to a police station and knowing that the police is also wearing cell phones, I wonder how hard it would be for criminals to track the position of the police officers to discover when there are police near by, or for foreign military forces to track the location of the Norwegian military forces, or for anyone to track the location of government officials...

It is worth noting that the data reported by the IMSI-catcher script mentioned above is only a fraction of the data broadcasted on the GSM network. It will only collect one frequency at the time, while a typical phone will be using several frequencies, and not all phones will be using the frequencies tracked by the grgsm_livemod program. Also, there is a lot of radio chatter being ignored by the simple_IMSI-catcher script, which would be collected by extending the parser code. I wonder if gr-gsm can be set up to listen to more than one frequency?

Tags: debian, english, personvern, surveillance.

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