Nine days ago, I started migrating orphaned Debian packages with no version control system listed in debian/control of the source to git. At the time there were 438 such packages. Now there are 391, according to the UDD. In reality it is slightly less, as there is a delay between uploads and UDD updates. In the nine days since, I have thus been able to work my way through ten percent of the packages. I am starting to run out of steam, and hope someone else will also help brushing some dust of these packages. Here is a recipe how to do it. I start by picking a random package by querying the UDD for a list of 10 random packages from the set of remaining packages:
PGPASSWORD="udd-mirror" psql --port=5432 \ --username=udd-mirror udd -c "select source from sources \ where release = 'sid' and (vcs_url ilike '' \ OR vcs_browser ilike '' or vcs_url IS NULL \ OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '' \ order by random() limit 10;"
Next, I visit and search for the package name, to ensure no git repository already exist. If it does, I clone it and try to get it to an uploadable state, and add the Vcs-* entries in d/control to make the repository more widely known. These packages are a minority, so I will not cover that use case here.
For packages without an existing git repository, I run the following script debian-snap-to-salsa to prepare a git repository with the existing packaging.
Some times the debsnap script fail to download some of the versions. In those cases I investigate, and if I decide the failing versions will not be missed, I call it using ALLOWFAILURE=true to ignore the problem and create the git repository anyway.#!/bin/sh # # See also set -e # Move to this Standards-Version. SV_LATEST=4.7.0 PKG="$1" if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then echo "usage: $0" exit 1 fi if [ -e "${PKG}-salsa" ]; then echo "error: ${PKG}-salsa already exist, aborting." exit 1 fi if [ -z "ALLOWFAILURE" ] ; then ALLOWFAILURE=false fi # Fetch every snapshotted source package. Manually loop until all # transfers succeed, as 'gbp import-dscs --debsnap' do not fail on # download failures. until debsnap --force -v $PKG || $ALLOWFAILURE ; do sleep 1; done mkdir ${PKG}-salsa; cd ${PKG}-salsa git init # Specify branches to override any debian/gbp.conf file present in the # source package. gbp import-dscs --debian-branch=master --upstream-branch=upstream \ --pristine-tar ../source-$PKG/*.dsc # Add Vcs pointing to Salsa Debian project (must be manually created # and pushed to). if ! grep -q ^Vcs- debian/control ; then awk "BEGIN { s=1 } /^\$/ { if (s==1) { print \"Vcs-Browser:$PKG\"; print \"Vcs-Git:$PKG.git\" }; s=0 } { print }" < debian/control > debian/ && mv debian/ debian/control git commit -m "Updated vcs in d/control to Salsa." debian/control fi # Tell gbp to enforce the use of pristine-tar. inifile +inifile debian/gbp.conf +create +section DEFAULT +key pristine-tar +value True git add debian/gbp.conf git commit -m "Added d/gbp.conf to enforce the use of pristine-tar." debian/gbp.conf # Update to latest Standards-Version. SV="$(grep ^Standards-Version: debian/control|awk '{print $2}')" if [ $SV_LATEST != $SV ]; then sed -i "s/\(Standards-Version: \)\(.*\)/\1$SV_LATEST/" debian/control git commit -m "Updated Standards-Version from $SV to $SV_LATEST." debian/control fi if grep -q pkg-config debian/control; then sed -i s/pkg-config/pkgconf/ debian/control git commit -m "Replaced obsolete pkg-config build dependency with pkgconf." debian/control fi if grep -q libncurses5-dev debian/control; then sed -i s/libncurses5-dev/libncurses-dev/ debian/control git commit -m "Replaced obsolete libncurses5-dev build dependency with libncurses-dev." debian/control fi
With the git repository in place, I do a test build (gbp buildpackage) to ensure the build is actually working. If it does not I pick a different package, or if the build failure is trivial to fix, I fix it before continuing. At this stage I revisit and create the project under this group for the package. I then follow the instructions to publish the local git repository. Here is from a recent example:
git remote add origin git push --set-upstream origin master upstream pristine-tar git push --tags
With a working build, I have a look at the build rules if I want to remove some more dust. I normally try to move to debhelper compat level 13, which involves removing debian/compat and modifying debian/control to build depend on debhelper-compat (=13). I also test with 'Rules-Requires-Root: no' in debian/control and verify in debian/rules that hardening is enabled, and include all of these if the package still build. If it fail to build with level 13, I try with 12, 11, 10 and so on until I find a level where it build, as I do not want to spend a lot of time fixing build issues.
Some times, when I feel inspired, I make sure debian/copyright is converted to the machine readable format, often by starting with 'debhelper -cc' and then cleaning up the autogenerated content until it matches realities. If I feel like it, I might also clean up non-dh-based debian/rules files to use the short style dh build rules.
Once I have removed all the dust I care to process for the package, I run 'gbp dch' to generate a debian/changelog entry based on the commits done so far, run 'dch -r' to switch from 'UNRELEASED' to 'unstable' and get an editor to make sure the 'QA upload' marker is in place and that all long commit descriptions are wrapped into sensible lengths, run 'debcommit --release -a' to commit and tag the new debian/changelog entry, run 'debuild -S' to build a source only package, and 'dput ../perl-byacc_2.0-10_source.changes' to do the upload. During the entire process, and many times per step, I run 'debuild' to verify the changes done still work. I also some times verify the set of built files using 'find debian' to see if I can spot any problems (like no file in usr/bin any more or empty package). I also try to fix all lintian issues reported at the end of each 'debuild' run.
If I find Debian specific patches, I try to ensure their metadata is fairly up to date and some times I even try to reach out to upstream, to make the upstream project aware of the patches. Most of my emails bounce, so the success rate is low. For projects with no Homepage entry in debian/control I try to track down one, and for packages with no debian/watch file I try to create one. But at least for some of the packages I have been unable to find a functioning upstream, and must skip both of these.
If I could handle ten percent in nine days, twenty people could complete the rest in less then five days. I use approximately twenty minutes per package, when I have twenty minutes spare time to spend. Perhaps you got twenty minutes to spare too?
As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.
Update 2024-05-04: There is an updated edition of my migration script, last updated 2024-05-04.