"If we let music in general be represented by the bulk bins
at the grocery store labeled No Sampling' then the Clumsy Lovers would be that
snot-nosed little kid who puts his hands all over everything, mixes it all up and emerges
from the door marked Entrance Only' with his pockets bulging and his fingers all
stained yellow, blue and red."
Shawn Rider, University of Idaho Argonaut
We take that as a compliment. Well, maybe not the snot-nosed part, but whatever.
Take a look at our brand new message board! Participate in Clumsy Talk, a discussion group for all the Clumsy fans!
The Clumsy Lovers are (in alphabetical order for your easy reference) ...
Evan Fraser plays celtic flute, pennywhistle, accordion, didgeridu, and bagpipes (soon).
Hamilton, who plays mandolin, guitar, and sings like the devil (in a good way).
Jonat, who plays the drums and will strip on a whim.
Jonat, who plays bass and sings like maybe he should talk more.
Lewis, who plays fiddle and dances like a whirling dervish (what is a whirling
Trevor Rogers plays guitar, mandolin, percussion, and sings.
"The Clumsy Lovers may be the best unknown band in the Pacific Northwest... You want to say they are like the Pogues and They Might Be Giants thrown into a juicer, but one sitting and you'll understand that these folks are a little less definable." -- Nick Heil, Pacific Northwest Inlander
To learn more about the Clumsy Lovers, check out:
Thanks for dropping by our web site, and hopefully we'll see you soon.